
KNX Association offre numerosi webinar che ti permettono di rimanere informato sui vari argomenti relativi a KNX. Si tratta di presentazioni dal vivo online sia di natura tecnica che generale che puoi seguire dal tuo computer e con le quali puoi interagire se hai delle domande da porre.

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  • Tutti i webianr sono sempre gratuiti
  • Per partecipare al webinar devi solo registrarti in anticipo
  • Registrati sempre il più presto possibile perché c’è sempre un numero di partecipanti limitato
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Webinar type


Intended for

Sustainable Homes

Schneider Electric is a company with a purpose firmly rooted in sustainability. That’s what’s shaping our vision of the home of tomorrow. We see homes evolving from smart to smart and sustainable, where technologies are interconnected to not only provide greater comfort, but also reduce the environmental impact. To progress the evolution of homes, we need to address four main challenges: sustainability, resilience, efficiency, and personalization.
To tackle these challenges, Schneider Electric presents SpaceLogic KNX. SpaceLogic KNX is at the core of Schneider Electric ecosystem for sustainable homes.

Language: English
Webinar time: on-demand

Intelligent KNX technology for your home

Rather than a mere gimmick, JUNG regards Smart Home as the future of buildings. JUNG works with the KNX system, the global standard in the building services technology. This system provides for a comprehensive and efficient control of all home functions via a single system, set up and structured to implement your preferences. JUNG Key Account Manager Katharina will give you an insight into various possible applications.

Language: English
Webinar Time: on-demand
Intended for: Everyone

Registrazioni Webinar

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