Privacy Statement

Your privacy is important to us. It means we store your data safely and ensure it remains well protected. We also let you know what we do with your data when we use it respectfully so that we can provide you with a better service. We start from the principle that everyone has control over their personal data, and that everyone has the right to either share it or to no longer share it. This Privacy declaration states which personal data we may collect from you, how we may use that data, and with whom we may share it. 

We explain what we do to protect your privacy, how you have a say, and what checks are performed to ensure compliance with this declaration. This Privacy declaration applies to the collection, management, use and sharing of your data by KNX Association. This Privacy declaration must be viewed in combination with our terms and conditions of use and our cookie policy. 

We can change our Privacy declaration at any time, and we shall make the most recent version available on our website . This Privacy declaration was last reviewed and amended on May 25th 2018.

Our contact details

Address Details

KNX Association cvba 
De Kleetlaan 5, Bus 11 
B 1831 Diegem (Brussels) Belgium   
Tel. : +32 (0)2 775 85 90 
Fax : +32 (0)2 675 50 28

Bank details:   

VAT nr: BE 0441 460 064 
Bank Account: 
BNP Paribas Fortis, Brussels:
IBAN:BE61 210004613717 
Deutsche Bank, Frankfurt: 
IBAN: DE67 5007 0010 0176 1113 00

When is this declaration applicable?

This Privacy declaration is applicable when you visit our websites or have contact with our staff. By visiting our websites or contacting our sales and promotion staff, you give us permission to collect and use personal data as described in this Privacy declaration.

What data do we collect?

We collect your data to be able to execute our services and to improve and inform you about our activities, promotions or products and services that you have purchased. You pass on some of this data to us directly, for example, via forms on our website or online shop, your business card, your orders, or in email traffic with us, or we obtain this data via website cookies. For more information about our cookies you can consult our cookie statement. 

We distinguish different types of personal data. These different types of data allow us to propose and offer our products and services:

Why do we collect this data?

We process personal data for various reasons, in each case we only process data that is necessary to achieve our goal. With your permission, as far as this is required, we collect personal data for the following purposes: 

To process your requests about our products and services 
We need your address details if you visit our websites or contact our staff to collect or request information about our products and services or, for example, when you sign up for our newsletter. We use all the information we receive about you to provide you with the requested information in the manner that you state. 

To offer you the best service. We keep your data to improve our customer service
If we want to set up, maintain and support our products and services correctly, we need that data. This also allows us to contact you and initiate the next step in our cooperation or to request feedback about our services. If there are technical problems or malfunctions on our part, we must be able to inform you about this. 

To inform you about our products, services and activities
We can use your data to inform you about existing and new products, services, special promotions, workshops, events, webinars, training courses, vacancies and other things, for direct marketing, or to create a profile about you so we can inform you about matters we think are of interest to you. We can do this in writing, electronically and by telephone. We also use your data for the newsletters you subscribe to. You will only receive communication by email if you have given your explicit permission for this, insofar as this is required. We can also analyse your web browsing and reading behaviour and create content for our websites or newsletters that suit your needs. We do this by registering your visits and the activities that take place during these visits. We do this, for example, through the viewed pages or the links clicked. This way we can also give you easier access to the information you are looking for.

Who is managing your data?

All personal data is managed by KNX Association and its National Groups. The data is only accessible to those within KNX Association and its National Groups who need access to it to perform their tasks. 

We work with external data processors. This means, for example, that we temporarily pass data to third parties for certain tasks if we do not have the means to carry out these task ourselves. If we do this, we shall always ensure your data is treated confidentially and used in a secure manner. We always set this out in the contract we enter into with the data processors. For example, a processor shall never be allowed to use your data on his own initiative, and your data must be deleted as soon as a processor has completed his work. 

We may pass on your personal data to the KNX National Group of your country, for the same purposes as stated in this Privacy declaration. We work with third parties or we engage subcontractors for some aspects of our products and services. The transfer of your data is only for the same purposes as for KNX Association itself. We shall ensure they, like us, manage your data safely and respectfully. 

In some cases, we use anonymous, aggregated data for commercial purposes or for external reporting. This data can never be traced back to a specific individual.

At no time do we sell or rent your data to companies or individuals that are not part of our company or group. We regard your data as confidential information. 

If we give out personal data to third parties in another manner, this shall be done with an explicit communication about the third party being informed and the objectives of the transfer, and the processing. Where required by law, we shall ask for your explicit consent. You also have the opportunity to decline at all times.

Personalized and behavioral ads

KNX Association may participate with our marketing partners in behavioral advertising programs for purposes of serving personalized ads based on your interests. This activity is performed by collecting Usage Data and by using cookies and other tracking and data collection methodologies to transfer information to our marketing partners which manage personalized advertising activities.

Custom Audiences

KNX Association may participate in or Google Adwords Custom Audience program which enables us to display personalized ads to persons who visit our site or are on our email list when they visit, or websites that are part of Facebook's or Google's display network.  We provide Personal Information such as your email address to Facebook and Google for personalised advertising. You may opt-out of participation in our Facebook Custom Audience by sending an email, from the email address you are opting out of, to For your opt-out to be effective, you must: place the following text in the subject line of the email - "Opting Out of Website Custom Audience Ads", and in the body of the email, include your name and email address. We will then make sure that your personal information will be deleted from this Custom Audience.

How do we protect your personal data?

We protect your personal data and privacy as much as possible. Our employees are trained to deal with confidential data correctly. We also employ specialised people who are responsible for the security of our IT infrastructure. We also use various technical measures to protect your personal data. Should a data breach occur that has a negative impact on your personal data, you shall be informed of the circumstances personally as required by law. 

Our websites sometimes mention links to third-party sites for which the terms of use do not fall within the scope of this Privacy declaration. Read their policies regarding the protection of your personal data carefully.

Do you want to view or correct the data; do you want it to be deleted?

You have the right to access your data. You can ask us whether we process your personal data; why we process it; what categories of data we process; which third-party categories we share your personal data with; the origin of the processed data and the logic we use if we process certain personal data automatically. 

You can exercise your right of access in by email to . We have 30 days to answer your request. This period starts when we have received your request in writing and have all the information we require from you to fulfil your request. 

In order to exercise your right of access and to prevent any unauthorised disclosure of your personal data, we may ask you to provide proof of identity. We will not ask you for a copy of your identity card. 

You also have the right to have incomplete, incorrect, inappropriate or outdated personal data deleted or amended. You can always do this directly via your customer account on or contact us by email if you no longer have your login credentials. We shall then amend this information as required within the statutory deadlines. Please note that occasionally, we shall no longer be able to offer some services, depending on your request. We may also be unable to delete all the requested data because, for example, we are legally obliged to retain certain data for a specific period. To keep your data up-to-date, we request that you notify us of any changes.

Do you want to decline direct marketing?

You always have the right to prevent the use of your personal data for direct marketing without a reason being required. You can always unsubscribe directly from your MyKNX account via , by clicking the unsubscribe link on the bottom of each mailing or contact us by email.

How long do we store your personal data for?

We ensure appropriate organisational and technical measures to secure personal data. We may not store personal data for longer than is necessary to achieve the purpose for which we collect it. The storage period can therefore differ per objective, and can sometimes be very short. After the applicable storage periods have expired, personal data shall be completely anonymised or deleted. If you are a customer with purchased or free licenses, invoice documents, KNX Partner Certificates, we cannot completely remove your account, as you will lose access to these items. We process user data up to ten years after the last operational contact between us, for Traffic data this is a maximum of one and a half years.

KNX Mobile APPs 

KNX Association cvba offers you this privacy policy to help us to explain how we get your data in our mobile application. Our app for mobile phones does not have any cost for downloading. 

Which information the application gets and how it is used? 
Virtual reality technology requires the camera usage to recognize the QR of the dispositive to recognize it. That is why the “Usage of the camera” is required at start the application. 

Data retention
The application does not collect either maintain the personal and confidential data such as the pone ID, the contacts, the passwords or the ubication. 

This privacy policy may change without advice. It is recommended to check this page periodically to check if it has changed. When you use our application, it is considered that the user knows and accepts our privacy policy, its usage is considered as the approval of the changes. These changes are effective after its publication in this page. 

Do you have any questions?

If you have questions about our privacy policy, or if you want to contact us to amend your details, we are always ready to offer a suitable answer. You can reach us by email, in writing, or by telephone using the contact details below. This means you can also submit a complaint that we can process in the correct way as quickly as possible. If you are not satisfied with our response, you can also contact the government, and more specifically the Commission for the protection of privacy. The contact details can be found on their website .   

Our contact information: 

KNX Association cvba 
De Kleetlaan 5, Bus 11 
B 1831 Diegem (Brussels) 
Tel. : +32 (0)2 775 85 90 
Fax : +32 (0)2 675 50 28